Choosing Septic Cleaners & Odor Controllers
With all the septic maintenance products on the market it can be difficult to determine which is best to choose. Septic tank additives fall into three categories: inorganic compounds, organic solvents, and biological additives.
Inorganic additives, generally strong acids or alkalis, may seem useful for their ability to open clogged drains. In fact, they contain similar ingredients to popular drain cleaners and can destroy the biological function of your septic tank, sterilizing it and causing issues. These types of products can also cause some septic system components to leak and potentially break apart. Hydrogen peroxide degrades soil structure in a drainfield, reducing its ability to treat and absorb waste water effluent.
Organic solvent additives contain concentrated amounts of chemicals used for degreasing machine parts due to their effectiveness at breaking down oils and grease. Biological additives combine enzymes and bacteria to work to enhance the existing biota in septic tanks to give a headstart for new systems or to augment stressed systems.
At McRae’s Septic we use TELAMODE biodegradable waste disposal products for septic system maintenance. TELAMODE products are certified under Environment Canada’s Environmental Choice Program since 2002 and continues to be verified on a yearly basis. TELAMODE provides environmentally friendly multi purpose cleaners and odor eliminators for commercial and residential use. Each product is designed to keep the biological balance with nutrient rich by-products. They enhance and maintain a suitable environment for life and growth in the septic system.