Report a Sewer or Drainage Blockage
Sewer backups primarily occur when the line is plugged with debris. In addition backups may result from several factors including the structural and operational condition of the sanitary sewer system itself, heavy rainfall, and incorrect usage of the system.
If you are experiencing a Sanitary Sewer related problem you can submit a request for service from your local municipality website:
Your municipality will assess the situation to determine if the sewer blockage is on the City’s side or the homeowner’s side of the sewer line. The municipality will clear drainage blockages that occur in the main sewer line or in the sewer lateral, from the main line to the inspection chamber at the edge of the property.
If it is determined that the municipality’s sanitary sewer main or connection is blocked, only municipality authorized service providers have the authority to clear the system. If the main and connection is clear, the municipality representative may advise the property owner to clear their sewer connection.
At McRae’s Septic we offer combination vacuum & high pressure cleaning units for municipal, storm and sanitary sewer lines and catch basins. We service many Fraser Valley areas and also can assist residential, commercial and industrial customers if you are experiencing trouble with your sanitary sewer such as a Noisy vacuum sewer chamber; Odour Issues; Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO); and Sewer backups.